Rainbow Agents
Rainbow Agents is a museum game designed and set up in the New York Hall of Science, and the Lawrence Hall of Science. The game enables visitors to engage with each other around artificial intelligence, complex systems, and concurrency/parallelism; it is an opportunity to (re-)frame computer science for students in the San Francisco Bay Area and in New York City. Schools in these areas will be offering computer science curriculum for the first time, adding urgency for museums to discover how such concepts can be presented in informal settings.

- Berland, M. Hooper, P. McKinney de Royston, M. Reframing Playful Participation in Museums: Identity, Collaboration, Inclusion, & Joy. Presented at ICLS Symposium, online, July, 2020.
- Kumar, V., Lyons, L., & McKinney de Royston, M. (2020). The Joy and Struggles of Collaborative Museum Gaming. In Session: Reframing Playful Participation in Museums: Identity, Collaboration, Inclusion, & Joy at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2020.
- Pellicone, A. Lyons, L. Kumar, V. Berland, M. Zhang, E. (2019). Rainbow agents: A collaborative game for computational literacy. CHI:PLAY 2019. ACM. - https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3341215.3356312
- Berland, M. (2020, February). Complex play & creative agency. MIT CMS/W Speaker Series. Cambridge, MA.
- Berland, M. (2020, January). Creative Agency & Computational Content. University of Oslo Featured Speaker Series. Oslo, Norway.
- Berland, M. (2019, November). Creative assessment & equity. Harvard GSE. Cambridge, MA.
- Berland, M. (2019, November). How Do We Know What Students Know About Computer Science? Brown University Computer Science Featured Speaker Series. Providence, RI.
- Slater, S., Kumar, V., Owens, E., Harpstead, E., Gagnon, D., Ramirez, D. (2019). Game Data Analysis to Understand Players, Design and Learning. Presentation in a symposium panel at the Connected Learning Summit 2019. Irvine, CA, USA.
- Applying Game Design Principles for Supporting Computational Literacy Experiences in Museum Exhibits. Presented at the NSF AISL PI Meeting, Alexandria, VA. April 2019
- Kumar, V. Pellicone, A. Zhang, E. (2019). Designing for collaborative computation in the museum. Presented at the Inaugural Computer Science and Learning Science Symposium. Evanston, IL.
- Matthew Berland, Principal Investigator | University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Leilah B. Lyons, Co-Principal Investigator | New York Hall of Science; University of Illinois, Chicago
- Matthew A. Cannady, Co-Principal Investigator | The Lawrence Hall of Science
- Maxine McKinney de Royston, Senior Personnel | University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Bethany R. Pinzur, Project Assistant and Co-ordinator | University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Eric Greenwald, Co-Principal Investigator | The Lawrence Hall of Science
- Stephen Uzzo, Co-Principal Investigator | New York Hall of Science